Success stories We help many of the worlds biggest companies realize the potential of the borderless workplace.
Performing in a complex global organization. Global push… local pull: Mobilising and sustaining enterprise-wide training globally in ArcelorMittal. Find out more
Enhancing performance across distances via remote technologies. Managing remote workers at Roche PDR. Find out more
Leveraging the differences of individuals and cultures. Building global working skills for Novartis Oncology. Find out more
Achieving shared goals across countries and virtual teams. Successful collaboration at Xellia. Find out more
What TMA World clients are saying "TMA World is not only providing us with a world-class cultural awareness platform but also helping to implement it successfully. They are consummate professionals and a pleasure to work with. TMA World is a valued contributor and we are very pleased with the impact the program is making on our business." Jennifer Macadlo Global Learning Organization Nielsen