Managing across cultures.

Coach your team and organization to success.

The ability to manage and leverage cultural differences plays a significant role in achieving great performance. High productivity, successful collaborations and breakthrough innovation depend increasingly on culturally adaptable managers.

Benefits for the delegate.

By completing the Managing Across Cultures Learning Path, delegates will be able to:

  • Modify systems and processes, where necessary, to enable effective cross-cultural collaboration
  • Create the conditions to enable others to work positively across borders, time zones and cultures
  • Help others understand how cultural orientations affect attitudes and actions
  • Manage team members from different cultures to ensure they work together effectively
  • Manage conflict and misunderstanding between team members that may arise from different cultural perspectives and communication styles
  • Take cultural differences into account when monitoring, reviewing and appraising performance of others
  • Coach others to manage challenging cross-cultural situations.

Benefits for your organization.

Business impacts associated with the implementation of the competencies developed on this Learning Path include:

  • Multicultural team members working effectively together
  • Improved management of multicultural teams
  • Reduction of conflict between multicultural team members
  • Improved communication across the organization
  • Increased productivity.


Those who are, or are soon to be, leaders and managers, who require the skills to navigate cross-cultural complexity, in order to create team and organizational success.


The Managing Across Cultures Learning Path follows our unique Discover-Develop-Deploy learning philosophy.

The workshop component can be delivered face-to-face or virtually.

Cultural intelligence - Other learning paths.

Engaging with us - Clear, easy and consultative.

The borderless workplace is impacting everybody in your organization.

/ 01

Client consultation

/ 02


/ 03


/ 04

Full implementation