Developing country insight.

Develop productive working relationships.

While globalization has increased cross-cultural interactions, it has not created a one world culture. The ability to manage and leverage specific cultural differences plays a significant role in achieving great performance.

Understanding and respecting the values of a target culture leads to longer lasting relationships and authentic collaboration.

Benefits for the delegate.

By completing the Developing Country Insight Learning Path, delegates will be able to:

  • Appreciate how the underlying values of the target culture influence behaviour
  • Understand the cultural orientation of colleagues, partners and clients from the target culture
  • Apply their newly acquired cultural intelligence to negotiate, manage conflict and work together with people from the target culture
  • Increase shared understandings, both virtually and face-to-face, with contacts from the target culture
  • Recognize the impact of cultural difference on relationships within the context of the target culture
  • Strategize how to build relationships and personally adapt behaviours to the target culture.

Benefits for your organization.

Business impacts associated with the implementation of the competencies developed on this Learning Path include:

  • Improved cross-cultural understanding and collaboration
  • Improved relationships with colleagues, customers and suppliers
  • Reduction of misunderstandings and conflict with others from different countries and cultures.


Individuals who are, or are soon to be, working with colleagues, partners and clients from the target culture.


The Developing Country Insight Learning Path follows our unique Discover-Develop-Deploy learning philosophy.

The workshop component can be delivered face-to-face or virtually.

Cultural intelligence - Other learning paths.

Engaging with us - Clear, easy and consultative.

The borderless workplace is impacting everybody in your organization.

/ 01

Client consultation

/ 02


/ 03


/ 04

Full implementation