Borderless Collaboration – new thought leadership released this week 4 Nov / 2015 | By TMA World It is with great excitement that the team at TMA World announce the release of our much anticipated thought leadership piece by author Terence Brake – Borderless Collaboration: Creating value together in the new world of work. The fourth book in our Borderless Workplace series looks at collaboration as an increasingly critical capability for today’s work environment. Of the most recent publication, CEO Chris Crosby explained, “Globalisation, technology convergence, digitisation and demographic change are dramatically changing our landscape. The complexity we face as a result is simply the reality that must be managed and in terms of determining future business success, collaboration emerges as a critical capability.” Download your free copy here Join us for a webinar on the 19 November as Terry discusses his latest book in more detail Register here to secure your place Interested in how introducing a cultural intelligence tool in your business could help to create a more borderless workforce? We’d love to show you our groundbreaking platform. Share this